Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Journey Begin...

5th and 11th June 2011 will be the final exam days for the final semester of my MBA program in UUM...[subjects: Supply Chain Management and Operations and Technology Management]. It started 2 years ago when En Azmi Abas initiated the journey by ringing up me and we met in Pak Tam restaurant in Selayang....together with En Norman, En Ramli and of course En Azmi Abdullah- the student counselor....

Now the short journey is almost finish and the inspiration for pursuing the next level of achievement has started.... PhD: here I come. Original contribution of knowledge...test your level of intellectual....explore new thing, unleash the conventional thinking pattern, search and quest for new discovery

***Insipired by book : "Spiritual Reading- Hidup Lebih Bermakna Dengan Membaca" by Dr. Raghib As Sirjani and Amir Al Madari , commented by Dato' Dr. Siddiq Fadzil; "memang menghairankan, bagaimana umat yang tahu bahawa perintah pertama agamanya adalah iqra' (baca), tiba-tiba ditimpa kelesuan budaya ilmu"....

1 comment:

  1. Explore the boyish period of all time where education never die and new things excite feeling
